लॉन्चपैड | p2pb2b |
खरीदें DICT Now | Buy Here |
कुल आपूर्ति मात्रा | 100,000,000.00 |
बिक्री के लिए टोकन | 10,000,000.00 |
आपूर्ति का प्रतिशत | 10.00% |
स्टेज | Privatesale |
फंड इकट्ठा करने का लक्ष्य | 100,000 |
DICT IEO मूल्य | 0.01 USDT |
1 USDT | 100.0000 |
सॉफ़्ट कैप | TBA |
हार्ड कैप | TBA |
व्यक्तिगत कैप | TBA |
DICT परियोजना श्रेणी | Web3 |
DICT कॉंट्रैक्ट पता | Binance-Smart-Chain 0x294426daeec4EAEAdffc6b7A7dE145705685a2e6 |
व्हाइट पेपर | NA |
वेबसाइट | Design innovation co-caration Website |
सोशल मीडिया |
The acronym DICT stands for Design, Innovation, Co-Creation, and Technology. DICT - Design, Innovation, Co-Creation, Technology is a unique web3 community that originated in Shibuya, Tokyo. We are a DAO accelerator and incubator comprised of a diverse community of members and organizations, including scientists, engineers, artists, creators, entrepreneurs, founders, CxOs, investors, students, teachers, professors, medical doctors, nurses, lawyers, startups, local governments, schools, universities, institutes, and others from all over the world. For Latest Crypto IEO