लांच पैड | GAGARIN |
बाय CTOK Now | Buy Here |
टोटल सप्लाई मात्रा | 127,000,001.00 |
टोकन फॉर सेल | 2,540,000.00 |
% ऑफ सप्लाई | 2.00% |
स्टेज | IDO |
फ़ंडरेज़िंग गोल | 304,800 |
CTOK आईडीओ प्राइस | 0.12 USDT |
1 USDT | 8.3333 |
सॉफ्ट कैप | TBA |
हार्ड कैप | TBA |
पर्सनल कैप | TBA |
CTOK प्रोजेक्ट केटेगरी | Metaverse |
CTOK कॉन्ट्रैक्ट एड्रेस | Binance-Smart-Chain |
व्हाइट पेपर | Codyfight व्हाइट पेपर |
वेबसाइट | Codyfight Website |
सोशल मीडिया |
Codyfight is a gaming company that aims to create a new paradigm in the business by allowing different sorts of people to participate in a game that has the conquering of AI as a major feature of its ecosystem. The blockchain game provides a fresh new universe of expression and innovation for a wide range of users, including gamers, developers, artists, collectors, community leaders, and others. For Latest Crypto IDO