What is Denial-of-Service Attack

A denial-of-service (DoS) assault is a type of cyber-attack that attempts to prevent a server or network from functioning normally. This sort of attack is frequently initiated on more traditional server-based systems by a rogue computer flooding a server with bogus traffic in order to cause it to malfunction or go down. A "Distributed Denial-of-Service attack" is one that comes from several machines at the same time (DDoS attack). DDoS attacks rely on the distribution of harmful software, which is uploaded to the servers of unsuspecting individuals. These servers are then utilised to continue the attack. On a bitcoin blockchain, this form of DoS attack is possible. The number of times nodes on a blockchain may register transactions is restricted. This allows attackers to overburden the system, with minor transactions that need the same amount of time to complete as larger, genuine transactions This slows down the blockchain and enables attackers to carry out numerous types of hacks. However, due to transaction costs, this method is often expensive in the long run for fraudulent users.

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