Challenge Coin Price Today (Hero Price Today)
Challenge Coin (HERO) is dedicated to giving back to our heroes within the military, law enforcement, and first-responder communities via an interactive ecosystem, built by members within these same communities, to establish the ability for donations, fundraising campaigns, and other initiatives via blockchain technology.
The project’s Dev Team is fully Doxxed and consists of several high-profile members of the military community, including highly decorated SEAL Team Members; which is critical in providing the necessary insight to effectively allocate funds, resources, and the ability utilize their public platforms to ensure the project's "mission" statement is a success.
Challenge Coin specifically follows through by providing ETH reflections on ALL transactions; specifically with 2% being redistributed to ALL holders and 4% to the publicly notated HERO Charity Wallet (herocharitywallet.eth) for the Team to distribute amongst various charities and fundraising initiatives within these communities.
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