OpenXSwap as a community is locking Velo in order to create additional liquidity for our aggregator on Velo through our perpetual bonds. Also read:Nitro Nitro Price USD
Usein kysytyt kysymykset (Krypto UKK)
The current price of OpenX Locked Velo (OPXVEVELO) is USD 0.060161
24 Hours, High Price of OpenX Locked Velo (OPXVEVELO) is USD 0 and Low price of OpenX Locked Velo (OPXVEVELO) is USD 0
The total supply of OpenX Locked Velo (OPXVEVELO) is 5825760 and Circulating supply of OpenX Locked Velo (OPXVEVELO) is 0.00
The trading volume of OpenX Locked Velo (OPXVEVELO) is In the last 24 hours