Token Sale : 03-05-2023 – 27-05-2023
Bidali ICO / IDO Iragarri ICO / IDO
Launchpad NA
Erosi GSBC Now Buy Here
Eskaintza Guztira Kopurua 100,000.00
Salmentan dauden Tokenak 20,000.00
% Hornidura 20.00%
Fasea Privatesale
Bilketa Helburua 5,000
GSBC IDO Prezioa 0.25 Ethereum
1 USDT 4.0000
Soft Cap 100 Ethereum
Hard Cap 400 Ethereum
Cap Pertsonala TBA


- Project Details
GSBC Proiektua Kategoria MEME Token
GSBC Kontratuaren Helbidea Animoca Brands Portfolio
Webgunea GwaySBC DAO Website
Sare Sozialak
Honi buruz GwaySBC DAO (GSBC) Proiektua

About GwaySBC DAO | Upcoming Crypto Ido

GwaySBC - The New Protocol With Its Based on Strong Believes in a Community! Here you never find something like manipulation, speculation, liquidation, or non-proofs of reserve assets.

GwaySBC Protokol is an Ethereum smart contract platform that facilitates the stability of AmerG value by employing a series of Collateralized Secure Loan Smart Contracts or what we have innovated as Collateralized Secure Loan Smart Contracts (CSL).

GwaySBC Protokol is revolutionizing the world of Ethereum assets by letting anyone generate AmerG on the GwaySBC Platform. This generated AmerG can then be used like any other cryptocurrency - to make payments, send it to others or hold it as savings. What’s even more interesting is that generating AmerG also creates the necessary components for a reliable decentralized margin trading platform. initial dex offering

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Maiz egindako galderak (FAQs) Ikusi Guztiak
The terms initial coin offering (ICO) and initial dex offering (IDO) are somewhat similar to an initial public offering (IPO) on the stock market. An ICO is a method of raising funds for the development of new blockchain apps, cryptocurrencies, or financial services. Both are methods of crowdfunding in which investors may buy tokens generated by the company. The only difference between them is that in an ICO, tokens are sold before exchange listing, and tokens in an IDO are immediately listed on the DEX (Decentralized Exchange) via which they are launched.
ICO and IDO are the same and different in many aspects. In both of these token issuers, don't pay direct fees to middlemen. And this is what is in keeping with Bitcoin and other altcoins peer to peer culture. However many IDO launchpads are changing due to their growing popularity and usage growth.
IDO is beneficial in many ways. It offers transparent and equal fundraising, fast trading practices and instant liquidity.
An ICO model helps in providing sufficient liquidity, it allows minimal paperwork and also guarantees high returns on investments.
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Ikusi Guztiak







