Launchpad | Spores Network |
Erosi $LEARN Now | Buy Here |
Eskaintza Guztira Kopurua | 1,000,000,000.00 |
Salmentan dauden Tokenak | 6,000,000.00 |
% Hornidura | 0.60% |
Fasea | IDO |
Bilketa Helburua | 120,000 |
$LEARN IDO Prezioa | 0.02 USDT |
1 USDT | 50.0000 |
Soft Cap | TBA |
Hard Cap | TBA |
Cap Pertsonala | TBA |
$LEARN Proiektua Kategoria | artificial intelligence |
$LEARN Kontratuaren Helbidea | Ethereum |
Webgunea | Brainedge Website |
Sare Sozialak |
BrainEdge AI: A New Way to Use AI on the Blockchain
BrainEdge AI is an exciting new project that combines artificial intelligence (AI) with the Ethereum blockchain. This means it helps computers learn and make smart decisions while keeping everything safe and honest using blockchain technology.
What is BrainEdge AI?
What’s an IDO, and Why Does It Matter?
This project wants to make AI technology available to more people, so anyone can be part of building the future.
How Will BrainEdge AI Help?
Finance: It can make better predictions and help businesses save money.
Why Join BrainEdge AI’s IDO?
👉 Stay tuned for BrainEdge AI’s IDO — be part of the future of decentralized AI!
Also read: Xciteq8 cryptocurrency presale: blockchain-based