Launchpad | On Website |
Erosi AIRB Now | Buy Here |
Eskaintza Guztira Kopurua | 1,000,000,000.00 |
Salmentan dauden Tokenak | 40,000,000.00 |
% Hornidura | 4.00% |
Fasea | Privatesale |
Bilketa Helburua | 1,680,000 |
AIRB ICO Prezioa | 0.042 USDT |
1 USDT | 23.8095 |
Soft Cap | TBA |
Hard Cap | TBA |
Cap Pertsonala | TBA |
AIRB Proiektua Kategoria | Blockchain |
AIRB Kontratuaren Helbidea | Animoca Brands Portfolio |
Webgunea | Billionair Website |
Sare Sozialak |
About BillionAir |Crypto Initial Coin Offering
BillionAir is a top-tier gaming platform that makes use of its own token, the AIRB, as well as AIRB NFT Tickets for raffle entry and a robust token economy for betting, wagering, and winning in the greatest games of skill and chance. As an owner of an AIRB, you will benefit from one of the sectors of the global economy that is expanding the fastest gaming. With the help of our creative processes, we will distribute the platform's earnings to you, thus offering you the opportunity to hold AIRB tokens and co-own a casino. For more latest crypto ICO