Adventure Gold (AGLD)
Adventure Gold (AGLD)
2.78 -5.65 %
Rank # 380 500+ Zainketa Lista
Behera Gorena
24H Eremu
Merkatuaren Kapitalizazioa
24 Orduko Merkataritza Vol.
Hasi Diluzioaren Ebaluazioa 906.03 B
Zirkulatzen 77,310,001.00
Eskaintza Guztira 77,310,001.00
Hornidura Maximoa 80,000,000.00
  • Ethereum ethereum-0x32353a6c91143bfd6c7d363b546e62a9a2489a20
  Astea Hilabetea Urtea Denboran Guztira

















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Moneta Adventure Gold
Adventure Gold Price Today (Agld Price Today)

Adventure Gold (AGLD) is the Loot non-fungible token (NFT) project's native ERC-20 token. Dom Hofmann, who helped start the social media network Vine, made Loot. It is a text-based game where random adventure gear is generated and stored on-chain. The project was made to have no front-end interface, images, statistics, or features. Instead, it is based on 8,000 text-based NFTs that can be interpreted in any way the community wants.

Will Papper started Adventure Gold. He is also one of the people who started Syndicate DAO, which is a protocol for investing that doesn't need a central office. Papper has owned Ethereum since the pre-sale in 2014 and went to Stanford University. He is a crypto native. He made Adventure Gold because Vitalik Buterin supported the project and told other people to build on it. Papper started AGLD one day after Buterin backed it on Twitter. He wrote most of the code in four hours at a small airport in Oregon.

Adventure Gold takes the same approach as the underlying Loot NFT game, which is to build a community on top of Loot as a kind of endorsement. The Web3 community came up with many projects based on Loot's code because it was simple and unique. Adventure Gold, on the other hand, is meant to be a governance token that lets users vote on future in-game credits or future mints that build on Loot and use AGLD.

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Maiz egindako galderak (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of Adventure Gold (AGLD) is USD 2.78
24 Hours, High Price of Adventure Gold (AGLD) is USD 2.97 and Low price of Adventure Gold (AGLD) is USD 2.76
The total supply of Adventure Gold (AGLD) is 77310001 and Circulating supply of Adventure Gold (AGLD) is 77,310,001.00
The trading volume of Adventure Gold (AGLD) is 25698863 In the last 24 hours