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Spain’s first crypto fund by A&G Funds 🚀

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Spain’s first crypto fund by A&G Funds 🚀


A&G Funds, a Spanish private bank, has launched the first crypto fund in Spain . It’s a safe and regulated way for professional investors to get into digital assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum. The fund is not for everyone, though. You need to invest at least 100,000 euros and keep it for four years. You also need to pay a management fee of 1.5% per year and a performance fee of 20% over the benchmark . The fund is audited by PwC and has CACEIS Bank as its depositary . I think this is a great chance for crypto fans who want to diversify their portfolio and enjoy the growth of digital assets. What do you think? Would you join this fund? Let me know in the comments. And follow me for more crypto news and insights. #crypto #spain #agfunds 🚀



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