Prime DAI (PDAI)
Prime DAI (PDAI)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 103,799,708.00
Max Supply 0.00

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Omega Protocol is Southeast Asian First DeFi Protocol Project. Omega Protocol is decentralized finance (Open finance) refers to the crypto (digital) assets and ethereum smart contracts, protocols, and decentralized application (dApp) built on ethereum. Prime DAI (pDAI) is a stable assets for OMGSwap & O-DEX. Also read: Premio Premio Price USD
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The current price of Prime DAI (PDAI) is USD 2.2E-5
24 Hours, High Price of Prime DAI (PDAI) is USD 0 and Low price of Prime DAI (PDAI) is USD 0
The total supply of Prime DAI (PDAI) is 103799708 and Circulating supply of Prime DAI (PDAI) is 0.00
The trading volume of Prime DAI (PDAI) is 5 In the last 24 hours