Feyorra (FEY)
Feyorra (FEY)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 0.00
Max Supply 0.00

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Coin Feyorra
Feyorra Price Today (Fey Price Today)
FEY is the utility token for all projects associated with WALP Entertainment. On top of that, FEY is an stackable token, where you can earn an annual return from 4.1%-410%. The return depends on the amount which is staked.. WALP Entertainment is the company behind FaucetPay.io. FaucetPay.io was established in 2019 and it is the leading microwallet with over 1 Million users and paid out via faucets over $1.2M in crypto. Also read: Fertilizer Frt Price USD
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The current price of Feyorra (FEY) is USD 0.00657302
24 Hours, High Price of Feyorra (FEY) is USD 0 and Low price of Feyorra (FEY) is USD 0
The total supply of Feyorra (FEY) is and Circulating supply of Feyorra (FEY) is 0.00
The trading volume of Feyorra (FEY) is 68529 In the last 24 hours