Cosmic Coin (COSMIC)
Cosmic Coin (COSMIC)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 827,209,606.00
Max Supply 0.00

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Coin Cosmic Coin
Cosmic Coin Price Today (Cosmic Price Today)
COSMIC is the utility token for Cosmic Universe, a play-to-earn adventure MMORPG being developed on the Harmony blockchain. Cosmic Universe gives players full ownership of their NFT characters and land, and integrates the play-to-earn model into its ecosystem. Create, trade, and monetize NFTs and other gaming experiences. COSMIC is to be used to rewarded to players through daily check-in rewards, and is used for buying in-game items or paying for in-game magical abilities. The token is also used to reach certain thresholds and levels that will allow for more opportunities within Cosmic Universe, such as having enough COSMIC to unlock advanced artifacts, structures, and magic abilities. The required COSMIC to unlock these elements within the game will then be burned, while the rest can be kept by the player. COSMIC can be earned through various in-game sidequests, promotions or tournaments. Also read: Corra.Finance Cora Price USD
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The current price of Cosmic Coin (COSMIC) is USD 7.63E-6
24 Hours, High Price of Cosmic Coin (COSMIC) is USD 0 and Low price of Cosmic Coin (COSMIC) is USD 0
The total supply of Cosmic Coin (COSMIC) is 827209606 and Circulating supply of Cosmic Coin (COSMIC) is 0.00
The trading volume of Cosmic Coin (COSMIC) is 3228 In the last 24 hours