Merit Circle is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that helps people from all over the world learn and get involved in the play-to-earn gaming industry by giving them educational opportunities and "scholarships" (in-game assets on loan). Merit Circle builds its treasury by owning various assets (i.e., game-related NFTs) and early-stage financial investments in Play-to-Earn games, in addition to profit-sharing with scholars.
The Merit Circle DAO consists of a mainDAO that governs multiple subDAOs that operate as tentacles in the gaming sector. The DAO is maintained by different independent parties and individuals through governance, with the $MC token empowering its holders. Since the establishment of the Merit Circle DAO, there has been a major focus on diversity. This means not only diversifying the games we have but also the infrastructure partners we work with.
At first, the idea for the whole project was born in 2020 and grew for a while with the help of Flow Ventures. Later, the platform was taken over by the founding partner and his team of gaming and cryptocurrency experts. This group was managed by Marco van den Heuvel, who was entirely responsible for the development of the Merit Circle platform.
Even though the idea behind making the Merit Circle platform is not new, the project itself is a leading decentralized autonomous organization with the goal of getting the most value out of all the games in the Metaverse. At the moment, the platform is a meeting place for capital, players, and other representatives of investors and managers.
The project's potential benefits to participants could result in life-changing income for those involved in the space. This value has been acknowledged by certain participants and investors, and as a result, scholarship programs have been established for platforms beyond the space.
Merit Circle is comprised of the following major components that operate together:
MainDAO: The Merit Circle MainDAO, also known as ecosystem DAO, is the overarching DAO that has tentacles extending into each and every subDAO under its roof. Having a stake in the ecosystem DAO lets you vote on the future of each subDAO, which you can't do the other way around.
SubDAO: Each subDAO beneath the Merit Circle mainDAO symbolizes a game in the Play-to-Earn sector.
Vaults: Vaults indicate the various techniques a subDAO may employ to generate revenue. The profits that the vault generates are returned to the various ecosystem stakeholders.
MC is the Merit Circle DAO's governance token, and it can be used for the following things now or in the future:
Governance: MC token (staked token) holders have the ability to vote on network governance decisions.
Play-to-earn index: Each MC token represents a part of the MainDAO's funds. Through MC tokens, users will have access to several gaming NFTs across the various subDAOs, which will serve as an index of the play-to-earn business.
Staking: MC token holders can stake their single-sided MC tokens or Uniswap LP tokens in exchange for MC incentives on the Merit Circle platform.
Early access to NFTs: Holders of MC tokens will have early access to NFT drops from Merit Circle native NFTs and platform partners.
Platform rewards: In the future, MC token holders will be able to get platform rewards and product discounts based on how many MC tokens they own.
22/03/2022 | App lists Merit Circle | +21% Increase
20/11/2021 | Merit Circle announces partnership with the Elfin Kingdom, a play-to-earn platform | +30% Increase |
DAOs, or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, are innovative ways to participate in various blockchain projects. Merit Circle DAO provides investors with the opportunity to investigate the high-potential play-to-earn market.
The DAO is innovatively designed to provide value to investors and appears to have a highly ambitious objective. It is by far one of the most promising gaming DAOs right now, so it is definitely worth looking into.