Web3 Games Play to Earn: Evolution or Empty Promises?

Key Takeaways
  • Web3 gaming has progressed from early, simple titles to more complex games that prioritize player experience and innovation.
  • My Pet Hooligan exemplifies the potential of Web3 gaming by integrating cutting-edge technology with engaging, user-driven gameplay.
  • The future of Web3 gaming lies in focusing on quality, community involvement, and using tokens to enhance, not overshadow, the gaming experience.
Web3 Games Play to Earn: Evolution or Empty Promises?

Web3 Games Play to Earn: Balancing Fun and Blockchain Tech

Web3 gaming was meant to be a game changer, combining the fun of video games with the innovation of blockchain. It was supposed to change the gaming landscape with decentralization, play-to-earn, and ownership of digital assets through NFTs. But as the market matures the question is: is Web3 gaming getting better or going in the wrong direction? 

While there are complaints about some of the current games, there are many examples of better tech, better player experience, and innovative use of token-based mechanics that add to the game.

Early Web3 Gaming Hits

In the early days of Web3 gaming, several games caught the attention of gamers and investors. These were the pioneers, introducing new ways to interact with digital worlds. Their appeal was in the uniqueness of owning in-game assets and the ability to earn real-world value through play.

Games like Axie Infinity and CryptoKitties became household names in the Web3 space and caused a lot of hype and interest.

These early games used blockchain to ensure transparency and scarcity of digital asset ownership. They introduced mechanics for trading, selling, or breeding digital creatures or items and added an economic layer to the game.

The concept of play to earn was very compelling, allowing players to earn money by playing the game. But these games had their limitations. Many were simple in terms of game mechanics and focused too much on the economic aspect which sometimes overshadowed the game itself.

Today's Web3 Gaming: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Fast forward to today and the Web3 gaming landscape has grown. A ton of new games have entered the market and each has varying levels of quality and innovation. On one hand there's a flood of low quality games.

These games copy successful predecessors but bring nothing new to the table. They use token based models that feel more like a speculative investment than a real game. This flood of low effort games has gamers and critics wondering if Web3 gaming can live up to the hype.

On the other hand there are several high quality games that are pushing the limits of what Web3 gaming can be. These games put creative tech and player experience above token integration. Instead of using tokens as the centerpiece they use blockchain and NFTs to enhance gameplay.

They offer rich immersive experiences where the blockchain is integrated seamlessly and provides additional layers of engagement rather than being the main attraction.

The best in the market today are those that have learned from the past. They focus on building compelling narratives, engaging gameplay and community driven development. They use token based elements to reward player participation, loyalty and the in-game economy without making these elements a barrier to entry.

Innovation Spotlight: My Pet Hooligan

My Pet Hooligan is an example of what can be achieved when tech and user experience is at the forefront of game development. Unlike some other Web3 games, My Pet Hooligan doesn't rely on token speculation to attract players. Instead it's a Web3 multiplayer, social-action game that lets players explore, socialize and create in a digital world.

The game's world Hooliland City is a playground for creativity and rebellion where players can fight each other, destroy environments, skateboard, graffiti buildings or just hang out with friends. This open ended approach lets players define their own experience and feel of freedom and engagement that's often missing in more structured games.

What really sets My Pet Hooligan apart is its proprietary motion capture and AI technology. This technology lets players stream, create content and interact as their in-game avatars adding a layer of realism and interactivity that's rarely seen in Web3 games.

Plus My Pet Hooligan is a cross platform game for PC, console and mobile and is already available in early access on the Epic Games Store and has been praised for its innovative and engaging design. Awards and user feedback show how it uses tech to add to the experience not complicate it.

Part Tokens Play in Gameplay

Some Web3 games have abused token models for the negative effects, others have used them to improve the gameplay. $KARRAT is a token supporting a distributed gaming infrastructure without controlling the game itself. Under many games and entertainment products, it's a mechanism to encourage community involvement and participation within the KARRAT Protocol.

Instead of taking center stage, $KARRAT provides value by enabling creation of high quality content, community driven decisions and hence innovation. This is a shift towards using tokens not just as currency but as tools to create and sustain active communities. This means improving the whole ecosystem so the game is better for every user.

Where is Web3 Gaming headed?

Web3 gaming is going to change a lot more. High quality game creation and user experience matter more as the market gets more competitive and technology advances. Developers are using AI and other modern tech more and more to create more dynamic and immersive environments. The focus is shifting from just using blockchain for novelty to using it in ways that actually improve gaming and player interaction.

Community driven development and decentralized governance will also become more important. As players participate more in the development and growth of their favorite games we will see a trend towards games that are more attuned to the needs and desires of their local communities. This is in line with the broader Web3 ethos which is moving towards a more inclusive, open, cooperative digital ecosystem.

Token-based components will continue to evolve, with a greater focus on utility and value creation. Tokens like $KARRAT have already set a standard for including different components that assist rather than eclipse the main game experience.


From its early days of blockchain novelty and hype, Web3 gaming has come a long way. While the space has had its challenges, it's clear that a lot of progress is being made towards better quality, creativity and meaningful involvement. Games like My Pet Hooligan show how Web3 gaming can offer something new and interesting by combining new tech with gameplay.

The focus will probably move even more towards user experience, community support and using blockchain to create more rich and interesting worlds as the space grows. The evolution of Web3 gaming will decide where this takes us, not if it gets better or worse. Web3 gaming can change the gaming landscape so inclusivity, fun and rewarding for everyone if we get the right focus and creativity.

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