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About Meta studio | Cryptocurrency airdrop
METAS is a Utility Token that will fuel Meta Studio and the Metaverse that we will create for you. Based on ETH, Polygon technology, and partnership with Polygon Labs. It is quick, simple, and inexpensive, allowing you to use multi-coin wallets and purchase / sell instantaneously with low expenses. We are the commercial bridge for a new age, connecting the Web2 and Web3 by enabling anybody to generate and sell content in a decentralized and enjoyable environment. Everything will be built on Smart Contracts and NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), allowing you to buy, rent, or sell with complete anonymity and safety. We believe that "the Metaverse" in its immersive form is still years away from mainstream market adoption, hence our MVP will not feature VR.
Meta studio Έργο Κατηγορία | Web3 |
Blockchain |
Ιστοσελίδα | Meta studio Website |
Κοινωνικά Δίκτυα |