Dignity Gold Price Today (Digau Price Today)
Dignity Corporation is a blockchain company. Dignity creates security tokens to establish investment opportunities into the United States precious metal sectors. Mineral assets and agreements create an implied intrinsic value, the intention of which is to provide a safer, more stable investment. Dignity digital assets are backed by United States tailings and alluvial placer deposits. As of March 26, 2021, the DIGau token was backed by a minimum of $6 billion in gold tailings and alluvial placer deposits, pledged under deeds of trust and a security agreement. The pledged gold amounts to 3,442,144 oz. As a tokenized security, Dignity token holders may receive additional distributions. Distributions may be based on the securities held. As Dignity tokenizes other metals, DIGau holders could receive distributions, discounts and/or tokens for other offerings from Dignity Gold based upon their ownership.
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