বাজার টুপি | |
২৪ ঘন্টা ট্রেডিং ভলিউম | |
পূর্ণ পরিশোধিত মূল্যায়ন | 906.03 B |
সার্কুলেটিং | 728,963,042.00 |
মোট সরবরাহ | 1,000,000,000.00 |
সর্বোচ্চ সরবরাহ | 1,000,000,000.00 |
সপ্তাহ | মাস | বছর | সময়ের মধ্যে | |
উচ্চ |
26-11-2024 0.068626
26-11-2024 0.068626
29-02-2024 0.233467
29-02-2024 ₹5,730,800.59
কম |
05-09-2024 0.035613018785
02-09-2024 0.03458895475
30-11-2023 0.023400746361
10-06-2023 ₹5,628.29
ক্রমিক | বিনিময় | জোড়া | দাম | স্প্রেড | ভলিউম | ভলিউম% | বিশ্বাস | শেষ ট্রেডেড | ট্রাস্ট স্কোর |
দাম | বাজার টুপি | ভলিউম | তারিখ |
SaucerSwap is a DEX (decentralised exchange) built on the Hedera network. A constant product automated market maker (AMM) makes it possible for native and cross-chain assets to be swapped without a third party holding them. Every time a swap is made in their token pair, liquidity providers get a fee. Also, liquidity providers can stake their LP tokens in yield farms to get SAUCE and HBAR mining incentives for liquidity mining. Users can also bet SAUCE on SAUCEr without having to wait. They get a share of all trading fees, SAUCE emissions, and HBAR native staking rewards as a result. While getting these one-sided staking rewards, users can stake SAUCEr in Community Pools to get the token emissions of liquidity partner projects, which increases their rewards. SaucerSwap will gradually add a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO), with SAUCE as the governance token. The Hedera Consensus Service, which was made as an enterprise-grade solution, allows for new ways to vote on-chain, which increases the number of possible uses. SaucerSwap will also have single-sided staking and DAO-based governance. On its front end, it will add a bridge, and then it will optimise capital efficiency by concentrating liquidity. To know more about the SaucerSwap price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!