What is Keeping Away Nigerians From Africa’s First Digital Currency?

Key Takeaways:

  • The Nigerian digital currency is out now but the citizens are hesitant about the new tech.

  • This is mostly because of the unawareness that is in the citizens.

  • Another reason is the fact that the economy is unstable and so would the currency.

  • The high inflation rate in Nigeria makes it harder for people to experiment or for companies to incentivize adoption.

03-12-2022 Anirudh Trivedi
What is Keeping Away Nigerians From Africa’s First Digital Currency?

You may have heard of Africa's first digital currency, and you may even be using it! But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why Nigerians are hesitant to accept it?

There are a lot of reasons why Nigerians are hesitant to embrace digital currencies like BitCoin. One of the biggest is trust- it's hard to trust something when you don't understand it. And for a lot of Nigerians, digital currencies are still a mystery.

In this article, we'll explore some of the reasons why Nigerians are hesitant to accept digital currencies, and we'll also take a look at some of the benefits of using them.

What Is Africa's First Digital Currency?

You might be wondering what Africa's first digital currency is. Well, it's called eCFA and it was created by the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO).

The goal of eCFA is to provide a more efficient way to make payments and transfers in the region. And while it's still in its early stages, the currency has already been adopted by some banks and businesses.

So why aren't more Nigerians using eCFA? There are a few reasons.

For one, many Nigerians are still unfamiliar with the concept of digital currency. Secondly, there's a lack of trust when it comes to anything new, especially when it comes to money.

Why Are Nigerians Hesitant to Accept the African Digital Currency?

One of the main reasons why Nigerians are hesitant to accept the African digital currency is that they don't fully understand it. And we get that—we really do. It's a lot of new information, and it can be overwhelming trying to wrap your head around it all.

Another reason why Nigerians may be hesitant to accept the African digital currency is that they're worried about its stability. After all, we've all seen what can happen when a currency collapses). But here's the thing: the African digital currency is different. 

It's built on a blockchain, which means it's decentralized—so it's not subject to the same kinds of fluctuations as other currencies. In other words, it's much more stable.

And lastly, the high inflation rate in Nigeria means that people are hesitant to put their money into anything that isn't physical, like cash or gold.

So while eCFA has the potential to be a game-changer for the region, there's still a lot of work to be done in terms of getting more Nigerians on board.

So there you have it: three of the main reasons why Nigerians might be hesitant to accept the African digital currency. But we think that once they understand it better, they'll see that it's a good thing—and that it's here to stay.

But the thing is, once you take the time to learn about it, you'll see that the African digital currency has a lot of potentials. For one, it could help reduce corruption. Right now, there's a lot of room for human error and fraud when it comes to physical cash. With the African digital currency, every transaction would be recorded on a secure blockchain, making it much harder to commit fraud.

So, while we understand why you might be hesitant at first, we hope you'll take the time to learn more about the African digital currency and see all of the potential benefits it could bring.

What Are the Benefits of the African Digital Currency?

You might be wondering why anyone would want to use African digital currency. Here are a few of the benefits:

  • -The African digital currency is faster than traditional methods of payment like bank transfers.

  • -It is also more secure because it uses blockchain technology, which makes it difficult for fraudsters to steal your money.

  • -Another benefit is that it is borderless, which means you can send money to anyone in the world without having to worry about exchange rates.

What Are the Drawbacks of the African Digital Currency?

So, what are the drawbacks of the African digital currency? Well, first of all, it's not backed by any physical asset. This means that its value is entirely dependent on people's trust in the currency. And right now, that trust is pretty low.

Secondly, the African digital currency is not yet accessible to everyone. Only a limited number of people are able to use it, and even then, only for certain purposes. This means that its potential impact is limited.

And finally, the African digital currency is still in its early stages, which means that there are a lot of unknowns. For example, we don't yet know how it will respond to changes in the economy or how stable it will be in the long term.

All of these factors make Nigerians hesitant to accept the African digital currency.

How Can Nigeria Benefit From the African Digital Currency?

So how can Nigeria benefit from the African digital currency?

Well, for one, it could help to stabilize the Nigerian economy. As we all know, the naira is not a stable currency, and this has caused a lot of problems for businesses and individuals alike. If Nigeria had its own digital currency, it would be less dependent on the US dollar and other foreign currencies, and this could help to stabilize the naira.

Another benefit of the African digital currency is that it could help to reduce inflation. Inflation has been a big problem in Nigeria in recent years, and it has made it difficult for businesses to plan and budget. If the African digital currency was introduced, it would be easier to control inflation because the supply of the currency would be regulated.

Lastly, the African digital currency could help to boost trade within Africa. Currently, there is a lot of trade between African countries and other parts of the world, but there is very little trade between African countries themselves. This is because each country uses its own currency, which can make trade between countries difficult. If there was an African digital currency, it would be much easier to trade between African countries, and this could boost the economy of the continent as a whole.

FAQs About the African Digital Currency

What is the African digital currency?

The African digital currency is a digital currency that has been designed to be used in Africa. It is currently being tested in Nigeria.

What are the benefits of the African digital currency?

The African digital currency has the potential to provide a more stable and efficient way of conducting transactions in Africa. It could also help to reduce the cost of remittances.

What are the risks associated with the African digital currency?

There are currently no known risks associated with the African digital currency. However, as it is still in its early stages of development, there is a possibility that unforeseen risks could emerge.

Is it pegged with the Nigerian currency?

Another reason to get on board is that it could help boost the Nigerian economy. The African digital currency would be pegged to the value of the Nigerian naira, which would help stabilize the currency and make inflation less of a problem.

Is the African digital currency legal in Nigeria?

The African digital currency is currently being tested in Nigeria. The Central Bank of Nigeria has not yet issued any regulations on the use of the currency.


The African digital currency is a new concept, and Nigerians are understandably hesitant to accept it. There are a few key reasons why this is the case: lack of trust in the African Central Bank, concerns about security, and lack of understanding about how the currency works.

That said, there are also many Nigerians who are excited about the prospect of the African digital currency. They see it as a way to reduce dependency on the US dollar, promote economic development in Africa, and make payments more convenient.

It remains to be seen whether the African digital currency will be successful. However, its success will depend on whether Nigerians can overcome their hesitations and embrace this new form of money.

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