منصة الإطلاق | On Website |
شراء SQT Now | Buy Here |
إجمالي العرض الكمية | 10,000,000,000.00 |
الرموز للبيع | 1,200,000,000.00 |
نسبة من الإمداد | 12.00% |
المرحلة | Privatesale |
هدف جمع الأموال | 24,000 |
SQT ICO السعر | 0.00002 USDT |
1 USDT | 50,000.0000 |
الحد الأدنى | TBA |
الحد الأقصى الصلب | TBA |
الحد الشخصي | TBA |
SQT مشروع الفئة | Blockchain |
SQT عنوان العقد | NA |
الورقة البيضاء | NA |
الموقع الإلكتروني | SubQuery Network Website |
وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي |
The SubQuery Network is an endeavor to progress towards a decentralized exchange and tokenized network to ensure that SubQuery has no single point of failure and to encourage as many players as possible in the process.SubQuery Network is improving web3 infrastructure by providing developers with tools that enable them to decentralize the future. Our fast, versatile, and open data indexer powers dApps across networks, enabling a user-centric web3 world. Soon, our Data Node will provide RPC industry advancements and deliver decentralization without compromise. We are the forerunners of the web3 revolution for visionaries and forward-thinkers answering common questions like how many tokens are in a given wallet is notoriously difficult. You either must traverse through every transaction since the genesis block.For latest Crypto ICO