رأس المال السوقي | |
حجم التداول خلال 24 ساعة | |
التقييم المخفف بالكامل | 906.03 B |
العملة المتداولة | 289,375,670.00 |
إجمالي العرض | 387,042,427.76 |
الإمداد الأقصى | 450,000,000.00 |
الأسبوع | الشهر | السنة | الكل | |
أعلى |
24-11-2024 2.44
24-11-2024 2.44
14-03-2024 5.117479298451
30-04-2021 ₹5,730,800.59
أدنى |
21-11-2024 1.858642416423
06-11-2024 1.615769915119
05-08-2024 1.272142757865
03-11-2020 ₹5,628.29
رقم تسلسلي | البورصة | زوج العملات | السعر | الفارق | الحجم | الحجم% | الثقة | آخر تداول | درجة الثقة |
السعر | رأس المال السوقي | الحجم | التاريخ |
PancakeSwap is an automated market maker (AMM) – a decentralised finance (DeFi) platform that lets users swap tokens while also generating liquidity through farming and earning fees.
PancakeSwap is a decentralised exchange (DEX) powered by Binance Smart Chain that was created by anonymous developers with an apparent love for pancakes.
It is a decentralised exchange for trading BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain that started in September 2020. PancakeSwap utilizes an automated market maker model in which customers trade against a liquidity pool. Users fill these pools by contributing money, in exchange for which they are given tokens known as liquidity provider (LP) providers.
These tokens can then be used to regain their part of the pool and a fraction of the trading commissions. These LP tokens are known by the term FLIP. Users of PancakeSwap may also farm other tokens like CAKE and SYRUP. Users can put LP tokens on the farm and earn CAKE as a reward.
PancakeSwap lets users trade BEP20 tokens, providing liquidity to the exchange and earning fees, staking LP tokens to earn CAKE, staking CAKE to earn extra CAKE, and staking CAKE to earn tokens from other projects.
To know more about the PancakeSwap price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!
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