Launchpad | pinksale Finance |
Nunua PIT Now | Buy Here |
Jumla ya Ugavi Idadi | 1,000,000,000.00 |
Tokeni za Kuuza | 378,900,000.00 |
% ya Ugavi | 37.89% |
Hali | Privatesale |
Lengo la Kukusanya Fedha | 3,789,000 |
PIT ICO Intengo | 0.01 BNB |
1 USDT | 100.0000 |
Kikomo Laini | 50 BNB |
Hard Cap | TBA |
Kikomo Binafsi | TBA |
PIT Mradi Isigaba | Web3 |
PIT Anwani ya Mkataba | Arbitrum |
Tovuti | Pinkvote Website |
Mitandao ya Kijamii |
About Pinkvote | Initial Coin Offering
Pinkvote is the world's most-innovative website for listing and voting crypto assets. Its mission is to expand crypto adoption, and help new investors find their next potential gem. PinkVote uses unique and game-changing features to be ahead of the 120B low-market cap crypto market. It supports multiple blockchain networks and operates on a large scale throughout the world with a great amount of daily users interacting with the application. For more Latest Crypto ICO.